Friday, February 19, 2010

Mouth watering!! yum....yum.......yum!!!

When you're happy, your food of choice could be steak or pizza or just anything you relish, when you're sad it could be ice cream or cookies, and when you're bored it could be potato chips. Food does more than fill our stomachs -- it also satisfies feelings, and when you quench those feelings with comfort food when your stomach isn't growling.

Today was among those happy days when I just wanted to treat myself and ignore all the extra pounds that I was putting on! At work we usually have a walk to the street corner to have a healthy bowl of fruits. And I wanted to have some delicious mouth watering pastry. I actually wanted to have the fruit bowl as my lunch and the pastry as my desert. The two were in different directions, time is a constraint, and the heart craves for both!!

Well I am surrounded by lovely and beautiful people among whom there was one person who assured to get me my desert for the day!! After my fruit bowl, the desert had just slipped out of my mind. I returned to my desk and just was about to begin with my work and the extension line rings…….on call was my lovely colleague who had promised me my desert for the day!! Wow…..I realize…….I hurry… along a couple of my friends to share……collect the desert and rush to the cafeteria.

Imagine…..a yum looking chocolate pastry, with a load of calories, and a chocolate chip on it!! Isn’t that mouth watering?? That was my pastry!! I relished it for its taste, for the company, and of course the sweet person who bought it for me.  It was among the best deserts I’ve had…..for the taste, for the people around, the good heart buying!! Well sometimes just eating is not just all that matter……..what?? from where?? from whom?? how?? And why?? Also matter to get the best out!! 

Thank you........Bhavna, Sapna, Rekha, Rajatha and Sunil!! Also my thanks and sorry to all the on-lookers, blog readers and the rest with whom I have not shared this moment and experience. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Journey from marriage to heaven???

'LOVE'!! I would more call it "Happiness". Life is all about being happy end of it all.

Growing up with parents with their love and affection was happiness.Being with relatives(not always pleasant). Being at school........among friends.......then moving to 'college', University.....and now in a job. Life has been a roller-coaster ride. It has scared me to death but I am still alive!

For now the next level is called "Marriage".........the most important happening in lives of many friends(as well mine) these days. Many hunting for their perfect ones and many getting married. I have seen quite a few marriages for the years I have lived! A few very happy, a few adjusting, a few on the verge to kill each other etc. The happy ones I have seen are a true compliment to each other and to the institution of  "marriage" itself, and also to the quote "Marriages are made in heaven!". I have known a few couples who live their married lives like in heaven.

A few quotes on marriage -
- I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. - Rita Rudner.
- It is not a lack of love, but lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. - Friedrich Nietzsche

-A good marriage is that in which each appoints the other guardian of his solitude. - Rainer Maria Rilke.

-All weddings are similar, but the marriage is different. - John Berger

-I first learned the concepts of non-voilence in my marriage. - Mohandas Gandhi.

-Love is ideal. Marriage is real. - Goethe.

-Damn, it, Sir, it is your duty to get married. You can't be always living for pleasure. - Oscar Wilde

-To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven. - Karen Sunde

-Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. -Rumi

A few WHY(s)??
Do people marry because its the time to get married?
Because its the right age for marriage?
Because the society say's so?
Because parents want you to get married?
And the list goes on............

But to understand your own dream, to accept another persons dream and to be ready to live them all not easy......It takes a lot! But on the other hand all that it takes is not much when you have the right person for whom you are doing it!

I am amazed at the strength that a women has. How does she at all stand strong to support one man whom she has met in life through friends, parents, or any other source.....I respect the feeling of a woman where she is ready to sacrifice 'her world'(her parents, her home, her friends.....)
 and accept the world of a man she loves. And a man who respects her for all that she initiates to do for him, promises to protect her all throughout. Most of the times on a comparison a woman forgoes her dreams for the man she loves and for his happiness.

Is this marriage?

To stimulate your allow you sow his/her dreams into say "We'll live them together" all happens just once. There are many people who don't get fortunate in their lives to marry their 'dreams and fantasies'!!

But why is it forced on them to marry someone else? It is easy to move on in life. Is it easy to accept and love a person who you just do not know?? Where does life lead to if you are not married?

Is it more of how the world looks at it or How you look at your world??