Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Memories to cherish!! :)

Just recollecting my childhood feels like it’s been a generation. Just about 10-15years ago, I can recollect playing with my friends who lived in the neighborhood. A video game to be rented was a privilege and that too only during summer holidays. ‘Weekends’ was a word that I had never heard of, as on today it’s the most happening word in my life!! :P  

I remember I had no one to train me ride a cycle, It was only friends all around me who would help me balance my huge cycle(for kids older than I was) which dad gifted me for my 10th birthday. My loud cries when I fell off my cycle and was hurt badly, I still have a few scars of hurt on my elbow that have remained which now bring a smile on my face.  Before I owned a cycle, I rented a cycle from the corner cycle shop to learn how to ride for 1rupee an hour. And when I finally when I learnt to ride the cycle, I can recollect the pride I had on my face.

I was given my schedules for my TV watching which included dekh bhai dekh, tehekikath, reporter, malgudi days, turning point, surabhi etc. I recollect requesting my dad for some post cards to write back to ‘surabhi’ and ‘turning point’ the answers to their weekly questions.

Buying an audio tape was such a hazel and involved so much of convincing mom, and scoring the right marks just for a audio tape………on a comparison to today where I have among the high end phones, uploaded with the latest music, a collection of movie cds, for any of which I don’t need to convince it is just an information or may be an advise I ask for.

 ‘Champak’ the weekly magazine I got was the best reads for me, which I always wanted to finish the day I received. I strived to read and finish it in the dim bed light of my room and when caught, I’d not get it back for a week from there.  Dining out with parents was only on birthdays and anniversaries which I always waited for, we being a family of three we had three birthdays and one anniversary . I had never known of Coffee days or any of the coffee lounge that we go to today. With friends it would be the nearest bakery or an ice cream shop, which would be possible after we have safe guarded all the one rupee coins we collected.

I had my play hour where I would go and play to my heart’s content with friends in the neighborhood till the street lights were on, the street lights signaled my deadline to get back home and start my homework.  Coming back home with clothes full of dirt, pockets full of marbles, shells n stones….what a memory!

Getting drenched in the rain with some reasons to give my mom and bitter tablets to swallow. Going to school was a pleasure and never wanted to miss a day! Discussing with friends about our teachers and voting out one to be our favorite. It would be the best of days when a teacher would be on leave and we would have nothing to do. Fighting with friends on tiny issues, a chance to sing in the school choir, dancing in the school day function wearing the best attire and make up possible, trying to open our eyes while everyone else meditated ……wonderful memories!

Dad getting transferred to places, me and mom moving where ever he was….new school, new friends, a new home that me and mom use to set up. Collecting addresses and contact numbers of friends before I left the old place, writing to them a letter about my new school updating them with my contact number and address, and then finally waiting for their response by post. Just had no emails but we still were in touch and the joy to receive a letter from an old friend was an over-whelming experience in itself. To re-read those letters today is so beautiful and treasure that I hold very close to myself.

It was a carefree life………on the roads, never had the means of communication and still stayed in touch with friends, just a tiny part of the big bad world with the best around!!
Beautiful!! It was and is as a memory to relish for a life time!!  :) :) :) :) :) 


  1. Wah...Sne... Ki Baat hai... i went down my memories too... had a few tears in my eyes... wonderfull.... keep inking down your feelings... as it will help lot of us who have forgotten... what it is to be a child...

    Loads of love

  2. Well articulated and precise :) Only suggestion - change the font colour and the text highlighting - it is not as comfortable to read as it could be :)

  3. @Rajath : Thank you so much!!! Hope everyone enjoys the blog as much you did when you read through and I did when I wrote!

    @Vinay : Thank you for your comment! Hope it looks a little more comfortable and readable!

  4. Sneh... I read the complete blog with a broad smile on my face. In fact these are the moments that need to be relished often by going down our memory lanes.... Really enjoyed it!!!Keep it going!!!

    Cheers!! ;)

  5. nice blog..
    check my blog out..
