Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I want to live life backwards.....wow!!!

Well this statement of mine 'I want to live life backwards' just cropped up a little while ago when I was talking to my oldie-goldie friend Namith. We've lived the best of time in life together............We studied together when we were aged 16years. Remembering times then gets a smile on my face.

I will be murdered if I dont mention of Ashu here........she is one other person in life who's cycle knew how to reach a friends house. (PS: Unexpectedly when she visited Namith and me, we had an obvious question........'Ash how come here?' and her answer was 'I dont know my cycle handle just turned towards your home and i'm here)

We have had moments of joy and sprinkles of sadness. We fought as Individuals for the better of each other. To Speak more about Namith, it was times of hardwork (+2 studies). She is one person who is hardworking and as a friend to her I hardly worked with my books. I was dragged by her to my study table for which I am thankful to her else I would not have really moved ahead in life. She would do the study...........I would do the eat and sleep. :)

A few moments that are fresh for a life time -

"yellaru sh...sh...." - courtesy Ashu.
"My birthday(s)..." - courtesy mom.
"fights between me n Namith" - courtesy both of us.
"days at college" - courtesy all 'the gang'.

(This list will be updated as inputs flow in....)

For all others who are not a part of these wonderful days, if you have a good imagination you will enjoy reading this post.

We fought with each other and cried together.

More to come....................


  1. I am fuming x-( !!! Namith, dummi ..., you will never call me NAMITHA!

    Anyways, nice post dear :) I wonder why Ashu's kinetic flyte isn't turning it's handle towards our home these days. Ask her to read this post ;)

    "The curious case of Benjamin Button" a? Hmmm, let's try out some research to live backwards :) Group more people into this :)

  2. Call you NAMITHA.......ask your husband to do that......
    Kinetic flyte is a heavy vehicle and so is Ashu.......But still dummi lets make an effort to turn the heavy towards us.......
